Domain and Name Server Details (NS Lookup)
Get the details about domain and its name server (NS Lookup)
The Tool to get the details about domain and its name server (NS Lookup). Give the input as domain name. Get the details like who is the registrar , Owner of the domain, Domain creation date , Expiration date, updated date, Namer servers etc
NS Lookup and Domain Details Tool
The NS Lookup and Domain Details Tool is a versatile and essential resource for anyone managing a website, troubleshooting DNS issues, or analyzing domain configurations. This tool provides in-depth information about a domain's name servers and DNS records, helping to ensure proper domain management and functionality.
Key Features
NS (Name Server) Lookup
- Retrieve the name servers associated with a domain.
- Verify DNS configurations and identify potential misconfigurations.
Domain Information
- Displays key domain details such as registrar, registration date, expiration date, and status.
DNS Record Retrieval
- Fetch various DNS records (A, AAAA, MX, CNAME, TXT, etc.) for detailed analysis.
- Identify registrar and sever details of the domain.
Real-Time Results
- Provides up-to-date information for accurate diagnostics and troubleshooting.
User-Friendly Interface
- Simple input field for domain or IP queries with clear and concise output reports.